Hi There and Welcome!

In my own personal journey, I've moved  from a 15-year love affair with dance to a knee injury in my 20’s. Then, for the last almost 20 years, into the world of fitness and health helping others learn what I have - that it’s never too late to become the healthiest and best version of you. No matter what age or circumstance you find yourself.

Let’s face it, we’re all aging. No surprise there. It’s often the process of aging that actually gets our attention, right?
Here’re the stats. Presently 46% of the US population is 65+ years young, with that number estimated to increase to 18 million due to the last of the baby boomers reaching age 65 by 2030. It's also estimated that 90% of adults ages 65+ will experience one or more chronic conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, depression, heart disease, and hypertension.

For me, this is where yoga as a healing and therapeutic practice comes in. Working with older adults has helped me better understand, that we need the proper tools to navigate, and emancipate our being through the process of aging, into better health and wellness. As opposed to the often marketed method of "defying our aging". Why defy something meant to bring balance, wisdom, and a much-needed perspective to our world. 

If we're blessed with the ability to age, then let’s get busy aging well! The clients I work with are proving every day that they can #Livebrilliant! I can’t wait to walk with you as you do the same!
